The IPC:
- does not act as an advocate on behalf of a person, group or party;
- cannot regulate the actions of individuals as private citizens, private sector businesses or other organizations;
- does not release records on behalf of public bodies or health custodians;
- does not store records for the Government of the Northwest Territories or any other entity;
- does not impose fines or award damages;
- does not have authority over the constituency offices of Members of the Legislative Assembly, or over records of the Legislative Assembly but does regulate access and privacy actions of ministries and other public entities, such as the NWT Power Corporation and the NWT Housing Corporation;
- has no authority to discipline, terminate or reinstate employees as a result of an investigation or inquiry;
- is not an appeal body with respect to claims, benefits or decisions made by a public body or organization that does not fall under the Northwest Territories’ access and privacy laws;
- does not have authority to draft legislation.